My new endeavor
has begun and it seems as if I may have found my niche. I realized that a huge
burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Tomorrow a brand new group of
students will join the ranks on their pursuit of a nursing career. How exciting
to be a part of their journey.
This weekend
has been very relaxing, no pager to interrupt life with my family. I however,
cannot say that about the alley cat who decided to birth a litter of kittens
under my house. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love kittens. They are adorable.
They are so sweet. I love kittens.
However with
that being said, the cat that deposited the 4 kittens under my house does not
seem to be a good mother. Those kittens
cry loudly all day and all night. Which in turn keeps us awake, as they are
right under our bed…
They seem to be thriving, as
noted by their strong, loud meows…. The only time they are quiet (I gather) is
when their mother finally shows up for care, which seems very rarely. We keep a
constant check on them just to make sure that they are ok and healthy. I don’t know what cats do all day other than
nap, surely she could nap with her offspring.
I try not to
judge any parents journey as every family is different, but this mama cat is
the sorriest piece of carbon that has ever been. The cats that I have been
around in my lifetime have been great mothers, hardly leaving their litter at
all until they are older. These barely have their eyes open and their ears have
not opened yet.
Jeremy brought
two of them in to see me, there are 2 Russian blues and 2 blacks. They are
adorable. I am so tempted. My only thing is that we have had enough pets. Poor Nettie couldn’t resist eating at least
one of them as she is an ex member of the Hispanic gang, the Latin Kings (She was
a shelter dog and told me she did it just to survive, apparently the Chihuahuas
run everything on the inside). I would
never tempt her or risk the life of those kittens, but man I wish they would
play quiet mouse, still mouse for one freaking night.
Oh well, if
that is all that I have to be concerned with (other than poor Bruce Jenner)
then I’m ok for now. I’m gonna go to bed with ear plugs tonight so maybe I can
get some rest. I’ve sent Jeremy back out there to nestle the little houseguests
in for the night with fresh linen. It always makes me sleep better, I hope it
works with the kittens.