Thursday, August 22, 2013 I'm committed. I've finally started to figure out that no matter what, I am not in control.  This Summer has been a fine example of the things that happen when you're "not in control".

The purpose of my Blog is to vent, post, reveal the things that perhaps maybe I should or shouldn't all, in the name of helping me and perhaps anyone who reads this. I have managed to make it thirty some odd years and really don't know any more than I did when I started.

 I have a good job, a great family, a bright future, and no clue as to what I'm doing. If you are easily offended or don't like harsh language, perhaps this is not the blog for you. I will write in the same manner that I speak, usually foul. I consider profanity an art, and my 1st Amendment right. I say this just to remind you that I don't want you posting how the language was too much, just go watch Duck Dynasty or something.

I am a married, thirty-something nurse who works at hospital. Jeremy my husband, is a stay at home dad who makes the world go around, and the mother to 4 truly remarkable children. Despite what you feel about me, I am a very sensitive bitch. Shit hurts my feelings and I try to let it go. Each hurt leaves a scar and I use humor to deflect these stings. Some of the "happiest" people in the world are truly the most sad. Keep that in mind when you read some of my posts.

Over the next few blogs I hope to share some of my wonderful life altering stories in hope of keeping my sanity and sharing some experience or just perhaps making you laugh.  My life is a roller coaster and I apparently bought an armband and its a slow night and the carnie is just laughing at me as I beg him to get off this ride.

So I hope to get a few people following me, and if not, there is always bikini modeling and that's a fact Jack!

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