Friday, November 15, 2013

Well, Jeremy got the turkey feather turned in just in time.

          I keep reading all these status’ on Facebook where people are writing what they are thankful for. I am happy to see that we still realize that we SHOULD be thankful for the smallest of things. I am thankful for so many things it is almost silly. I, of course, am thankful for my wonderful family, career, health and ability, friends, etc. but I’m also thankful for my car.
          I also see the statuses were people are posting “x-many” facts that people may or may not know about them. I think that is pretty interesting and I wish those who were doing it would keep it real and make those facts fun.
1.     I am thankful for toilet paper. I don’t even want to wonder what the other solutions might have been.
2.    I am thankful for doors on public bathroom stalls, even if they can still identify you by your shoes.
3.    I am thankful for shellac nail polish.
4.   I am thankful for Gain original scent powder detergent.
5.    I am thankful for my dishwasher.
6.   I am thankful for my awesome car, may she run with me forever.
7.   I am thankful for satellite channels.
8.    I am thankful for credit cards.
9.    I am thankful for diarrhea medications.
10.                       Am thankful for pre- packaged meat.
And now things you may not know about me:
1.     My favorite movie is Gone With the Wind
2.    My favorite color is red
3.    I regret no decisions that I have ever made
4.   I wish just about everyone the best (there is always that one bitch….)
5.    I love snow in winter, I feel like a kid again (one that gets out of school for a hard frost) because I can wear more clothes thus hiding this hardcore body of mine.
6.   I am very particular about my sleeping arrangements (light, sound, sheets, pillows, etc.)And if I don’t get my sleep, it can be detrimental to everyone.
7.   I love my dermatologist as much as some of my family (Dr. Austin Mitchell in Lebanon). He is awesome.
8.    I cry at weddings and not at funerals.
9.    I love shopping at Goodwill, dirty little secret. You’d be surprised who else you see there….
10.           I’m actually a pretty cool person, come sit by me next time and I’ll show ya.


  1. I am most impressed with #3 on the second list. No regrets? I WISH!

  2. No regrets, Debbie. If I changed something in my past,perhaps my current life would not be as it is. Therefore, no regrets seems the right path. It made me who I am.
