Saturday, January 4, 2014

Forecast: 1-3 inches of snow.


 Things that bother me: drivers that come to a complete stop before turning, people who do not feel comfortable driving in inclement weather and yet still do so, and finally people who run out and buy every loaf of bread and jug of milk with the mention of winter weather. This week I have dealt with all of these people.
          We have experienced some colder than normal temperatures these past few days and even had some precipitation. Needless to say everyone turns into a child when they see those fluffy flakes start to turn the yard white. Something about a good snow that makes us wish adults had snow days as well….alas we do not and I, like everyone else, begins to lay out the plan for the next morning.
          I get up a little earlier than normal (03:10am) to allow for any added problems that could occur due to the temperature/snow. I (Jeremy) will start my car and had it warm and toasty, and I will leave the house with a warm jacket, hot coffee, and my fully charged cell phone. I feel as if being prepared is the way to go.
          All of my planning goes to Hell when you get behind someone who wants to drive at a maximum speed of 15 mph. I was traveling without any issues at all and I nearly rear ended a slow poke who was obviously not a confident snow driver. Because I live on a rural road, I was forced to drive at a low rate of speed for half of my trip to work. The trip that I had planned out to be without problems, the trip that I got up for at 3:10 AM!
          When we finally came to a place where there was a place to turn off, the turtle driving in front of me came to a complete stop in the middle of the road to turn….this was almost enough to enrage me. I wanted to ram my car into his and push him out of the way, I felt as if I was almost entitled to do so as he had ruined my morning.  I had planned and prepared for almost everything, except for slowpoke, which I had already decided was a 14 y/o boy or a 90 y/o man. Why must you get on my road, on a snowy morning, at 3am? Now I have to SPEED to get to work ON TIME….
          Once I got to work, and barely on time, things began to look up. Only 2 cases, and I was in the long one. I like those better for some reason. The cases started well and ended well. I saw that Jeremy had posted a pic of Cooper and Charleigh lying in bed with him. She looked so sick, I text him to take her to the doctor. I made her an appointment with our facilities employee health.
 Our hospital is awesome as the employee health facility is not just for the employees, it also services the families of the employee. When I say that its services are wonderful, I could not speak any higher of them. Dana and Tonya at the front desk, Chris, Machelle, and Ronda in the back and the wonderful nurse practitioners Kelly and Monica, they truly care and treat you as if you were  there kin. Kudos, I really do appreciate everything you do.
Lastly on my list,  I would like to address the milk and bread Nazi’s. I hope you are on your game as we are expecting snow again this weekend. From what the forecast is currently calling for, it should be anywhere from 1-3 inches in my area. This is considered to be a “big snow” around here. It is big enough that It will prevent the children from returning to school, great….My poor husband, I’ll have to put him on suicide precautions. I’ll have to take all the pills and belts from the house.

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My personal goal is to spend what time and money I have left filling my shopping cart with bread and milk, not because I need it; just because I can. I will walk around the store with it until the milk starts to sweat, just in hopes of seeing their envious eyes following me.
Around here, if the forecast calls for a hard freeze, the bread and milk Nazi’s visit every grocery store in town stocking up on bread and milk thus leaving people like me without either to feed their poor children. If I beat them to the store then perhaps this group will realize what they are doing to the rest of us.
 We are  just trying to keep from having dry cereal on a cold morning without a cow in sight…..children don’t understand the obsessions of those who are convinced that they will starve to death with 3 inches of snow on the ground and yet I’m the one that has to explain this phenomenon to them. Bring on the snow and I’m going to get the shopping cart.

#milkandbread , #snowdrivers


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