Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I think I have Christmas' have to get items already lined up!

            SO here I am, still at Vandy. I’m so thankful that they have a washer and dryer for our use or otherwise I would be wearing a patient gown by now. Being that they are pediatric gowns, that makes it worse. It would be like the dude with the 150lb scrotum who wears a hoodie upside down as pants. Yeah, now you’re picturing it….Not pretty.
            I slept ok last night. Another late night IV restart. Apparently I am the only one who goes to bed at 2030-2100. I was so tired and had to wait for them to restart her IV, because it kind of looks bad for the mother to be sleeping through the child’s procedure and her screaming her head off. Might get a social service consult and some of the children aren’t trained well enough to answer the questions the “right” way yet.
            We are awaiting her triple procedure where they are going to do an extensive ENT exam, an EGD, and a Bronchoscopy all under anesthesia. As it turns out she also tested positive for 2 different respiratory viruses as well. I had no idea what they were when they told me the names so I waited til they left and googled them. I told mama and she got all upset thinking they were STD’s. I ask Charleigh Joe and she said she always uses latex condoms, so that’s good.
            After I settled her down and explained what I found on google she seemed satisfied. We have had such good care here at Vanderbilt. I could not ask for anything better except perhaps a king sized bed because Neville’s sleep better in two’s. Jeremy is in a recliner, Charleigh Joe is in a crib (she never had one at home), and I am on the “sleeper sofa”. We are all apart.
            When I awoke at 4 I went ahead and took my Lasix so I could get that out of the way and Jeremy moved to the “sleeper sofa”. I put Charleigh Joe in the bed with him and they were two peas in a pod. I can’t wait til we get back home and are crowded up in our bed together.
            Charleigh Joe was reunited with Elmo yesterday when mama came to visit. She was so happy to see everyone, it was like a Hallmark Christmas special when she saw Cooper. My reaction was a little different….Mama brought her favorite toy Elmo to be with her. I’m a bit ashamed as Elmo looks like homeless, crack head, tranny Elmo. Let me explain…..

            When Elmo was purchased last year for Christmas he was pristine and perfect. When you have been drug through all types of terrain, vomited on, sneezed on, fought over, etc. one becomes a bit haggard looking. Then one day when I was putting Charleigh Joe’s hair in pigtails, she wanted Elmo’s done as well. That was hard as he was already matted but I actually succeeded and now he has two ratty pigtails, thus he looks like homeless, crack head, tranny Elmo. Sure to be this year’s big Christmas “have to get” gift for the children, and the “nut hoodie” for the guys!


  1. Farrah......I was laughing out loud reading this as Andy looked at me like I was insane! Enjoy your posts so much. I feel like your writing about me sometimes!

    1. Thanks Mikki! I think that we as parents share a lot of parenting experiences.
